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2 May 2023

Choosing beauty products that align with your values can sometimes be a confusing process.
With so many terms and labels on products, it's easy to get confused and overwhelmed.
Two such terms that are often used interchangeably but have distinct differences are "vegan" and "cruelty-free" beauty products.
So what exactly do they mean, and how are they different? Let's break it down!

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A girl who has a natural face mask on her face that's made of some dark colour

Vegan vs. Cruelty-Free: What You Need to Know When Choosing Beauty Products

Vegan vs. Cruelty-Free Beauty Products: What's the Difference?

Let's start with definitions: Vegan beauty products don't contain any animal-derived ingredients, such as beeswax or collagen, while cruelty-free products aren't tested on animals. Now, you might be thinking, "What's the big deal? Aren't they the same thing?" But the truth is, they're not.

Think of it this way: All cruelty-free products are vegan, but not all vegan products are cruelty-free. For example, a lip balm might be vegan because it's made without beeswax, but it could still be tested on animals to ensure its safety. On the other hand, a product that contains a small amount of animal-derived ingredient, such as milk or honey, could still be cruelty-free because it wasn't tested on animals.

Ingredients Used

Vegan products are free from any animal-derived ingredients, regardless of whether or not those ingredients were obtained through ethical means. This means no animal fats, oils, milks, or other derivatives are used in vegan beauty products.

Cruelty-free products do not contain any animal-tested ingredients, but they can contain animal-derived ingredients. Many beauty brands use ingredients derived from animals in their products such as keratin, collagen, and beeswax. However, not all brands that use these ingredients test on animals.

Animal Testing Policies

Cruelty-free products are not tested on animals at any stage of product development, from ingredients to the final product. This applies to both the finished product and its individual components. Many cruelty-free brands use alternatives to traditional animal testing such as in vitro testing, which uses cultures of human cells, or testing on human volunteers.

Vegan products do not require animal testing per se. However, it's worth noting that vegan products might contain synthetic or lab-grown ingredients that have been tested on animals at some point in their development.


Both vegan and cruelty-free products can be certified by various organisations to ensure their authenticity and compliance. Certification for vegan products is typically managed by the Vegan Society or Vegan Action, while that for cruelty-free products is more varied, with organisations like Leaping Bunny or PETA providing certification.

Debunking Common Myths

One common misconception is that vegan products are always cruelty-free and that cruelty-free products are always vegan. But as we have already seen, this is not always the case.

Another myth is that vegan products don't work as well as non-vegan products. This couldn't be further from the truth! Many vegan brands are known for their high-quality ingredients and effective products that provide the same benefits as their non-vegan counterparts.

Choosing Vegan and Cruelty-Free Products

So, what can you do to ensure that you're using authentic, vegan or cruelty-free beauty products? Start by looking for third-party certification on the product's packaging or doing some research and purchasing from brands that are known to be vegan and/or cruelty-free.

Another tip is to be mindful of the ingredients used in the products you buy. Many animal-derived ingredients have alternative replacements, such as plant-based oils and waxes, that work just as well.

Finally, don't be afraid to ask questions and do some research. Call or email companies to see if they have animal testing policies or if they use animal-derived ingredients in their products. If you are looking for ways to expand your knowledge about veganism and incorporate it into your daily life I reccomend a book I bought on Amazon called: How to Be Vegan: Tips, Tricks, and Strategies for Cruelty-Free Eating, Living, Dating, Travel, Decorating, and More

The Bottom Line

Choosing vegan and cruelty-free beauty products is a personal choice that can have a positive impact on your values and the environment. By understanding the differences between the two, you can make informed choices about the products you use. So, go ahead and choose products that align with your values and make you feel fabulous! With so many options available today, there's no reason you can't look good and feel even better knowing you're doing your part to make the world a better place.



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