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First things first, let's talk about what organic farming is. In a nutshell, organic farming is a form of agriculture that emphasises the use of natural resources and processes. Unlike conventional farming, organic farms rely on natural fertilisers, crop rotation, and biological pest control to maintain soil health and crop productivity.

So, why is organic farming better for the environment? Well, for starters, it promotes biodiversity. When farmers use synthetic pesticides and fertilisers, it can create a toxic environment that eliminates many of the beneficial organisms in the soil. This can lead to a reduction in biodiversity and negatively impact soil health. On the other hand, organic farming practices help maintain natural ecosystems, benefiting numerous organisms that live in the soil.

Moreover, organic farming also prioritizes the conservation of natural resources. Organic farmers practice water conservation techniques and use fewer resources overall compared to conventional farms, meaning fewer resources are depleted which reduces the negative impact on the environment.

Let's look at how organic farming stacks up against conventional farming practices when it comes to reducing the carbon footprint. According to various studies, organic farming could potentially reduce greenhouse gas emissions. A study published in the Journal of Environmental Management found that organic farming can reduce carbon emissions by 48% compared to conventional farming, primarily due to the absence of nitrogenous fertilisers. Organic farmers use fewer fossil fuels in their operations, and their practices can reduce carbon emissions such as lighter fertilisation volume, and lower amounts of tillage. It's estimated that organic farming could reduce global greenhouse gas emissions by 10% to 12%.

Now, we know what you're thinking, “But what about the yield?” Conventional agriculture methods can produce more crops than organic farming techniques, which can give the impression that organic farming is less effective or efficient. But don't let the numbers fool you - organic farming may have a slightly lower yield, but it makes up by producing higher quality, more nutrient-dense food. A 2012 study found that organic crops have higher levels of certain antioxidants and lower levels of toxic metals such as cadmium compared to conventional crops.

Furthermore, organic farming has proven to be more sustainable in the long run. Organic farming helps to preserve soil fertility compared to conventional farming which may create soil quality issues in the future. Over time, conventional farming methods can exhaust soil fertility due to the heavy use of synthetic fertilisers and harsh chemicals. Organic farming, on the other hand, promotes biodiversity within soil and prevents soil erosion, helping to maintain soil fertility indefinitely.

Another benefit of organic farming is its impact on animal welfare, which can have an indirect effect on the environment. Organic livestock farmers utilise natural methods such as rotational grazing that allows livestock to have access to pastureland before their final days and access to other natural resources such as fresh air and water. Regularly-raised livestock are all cramped up in confined spaces, causing stress and discomfort to the animals.

As you can see, organic farming is not just “hippie-dippie” magic but is backed up by science and evidence. The benefits of this farming method are undeniable. And we haven't even scratched the surface - there are so many studies showcasing the positive effects of organic farming that it would take days to go over all of them.

So, let's summarise all the great things organic farming has to offer:

  • It promotes biodiversity and helps support natural ecosystems

  • Organic farming practices conserve natural resources

  • It can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce the carbon footprint

  • Organic farming can lead to higher quality, nutrient-dense food

  • Organic farming practices ensure better animal welfare standards

Now, before we leave you to start your backyard garden or order your farm-fresh organic produce, we have one last tidbit of advice for you. Organic farming is the way to go, but it's not a cure-all solution. As consumers, we need to be mindful of the lengthy and complex global scale agricultural system, which is not the sole contributor to climate change and other environmental issues. We must promote environmentally conscious consumer behaviour and make conscious decisions in other aspects of our lives consistent with sustainable living.

So, my fellow science supporters, let's raise a toast to organic farming and Mother Earth - the ultimate boss lady of our planetary home. Let's keep supporting organic farmers for sustainable agriculture practices and make a positive impact on our planet's future, and at the same time, let's enjoy a healthy and delicious meal in a sustainable way.



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24 April 2023

Welcome, fellow science enthusiasts! Today, we're going to dive into the SCIIENCY of organic farming and why it's the better choice for Mother Earth. Sit tight and hold on to your lab coats as we explore the fascinating world of organic farming!
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